Glasujte zame, da pridem v polfinale za skupino UPORNIKI.
glasuje se lahko takole:
klikneš na link; poiščeš besedici- spletno glasovanje; vpišeš svoje podatke (so zaupni); pošlješ; dobiš povratni mail; greš pogledat kaj piše; in klikneš tisti link ki je v njem-->tako potrdiš da glasuješ zame!! = je brezplačno!
ali pa
Prek sms-ov:
POŠLJI SMS S KLJUČNO BESEDO UPORNIKI 76 na ŠT. 6633! (cena sms-a je 0,99€)
pošlješ sms; dobiš povratnega; in odgovoriš na ta sms z besedo DA (da potrdiš svoj glas)!
[tisti, ki imate Izi mobil ali Tup mobil ne morete glasovati]
vsem, ki boste glasovali bom zelo hvaležna!
please, vote for me.
You can vote like this:
you click on this web line and find two words: web voting; than you write your informations (they are confodential); send/vote[glasuj] and than you colse [zapri]; go too your mail; and look this mail who is been returned (; and click on web line in your returned mail-->that is how you confirmed that you vote for me! It's free!
there you have also pocket dictionary:
spletno glasovanje: web voting
ime in priimek: first name and family name
naslov: address
E-mail: your mail
glasuj: vote
zapri: close
DA: yes
or sand SMS with keyword: UPORNIKI 76 on number 6633 .
Than you must got a return SMS and than you must write back with keyword "DA"
[sorry for my bad English]
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